Thursday, February 17, 2011

Book Report 3

I read the book So B. It by Sarah Weeks. The main character in the book So B. It is Heidi It. Heidi is a sweet, kind, determined, smart, unique girl. Heidi is sweet and kind because she doesn't try to hurt anyone. She is always willing to give people a hand when they are in need no matter what it is. Everyone who meets Heidi likes her and enjoys her company. Heidi is very determined. When Heidi sets her mind to something, she wont stop until she succeeds in what ever it is that she set her mind on. She wont ever give up or quit. An example of Heidi being determined was the whole reason why she went to Liberty, New York. Heidi was searching for the reason why her mother always said the word soof. She felt as if she HAD to figure out what that word meant so she didn't quit until she figured it out.
Heidi is a unique girl because Heidi has not had a normal childhood. Heidi's mom is not your normal mom. Heidi’s mom has what Heidi calls a “bum brain”. She can't remember anything, can't speak, and can't do anything without a hand from Heidi or her neighbor Bernie. Since Heidi’s mother was born with her “bum brain”, Heidi had to learn how to be very responsible. She has to take of her mother and do everything that she wanted to be done, by herself. Heidi is also very loving and caring. Heidi loved her mother just as much as any other person loves there mother, even though she couldn't really do much with her mother. Heidi is caring because she is the type of person who gets attached to people right away. Heidi can meet someone for a few hours and not know much about them, and she will still care for them.
Heidi is a static character in this book. In the beginning of the book Heidi is a loving, caring, sweet little girl. At the end of the book Heidi is still her sweet, caring self. She did change a little bit after she lost her mother. She got a lot more quiet and stayed more independent, but it was nothing too major. She returned to her normal self soon after she realized that life will go on and she shouldn't waste her life with moping around all the time. Her mother wanted her to be happy. All through out the book she pretty much stayed her normal sweet self.

I really enjoyed reading this book. Sarah Weeks has a very good way with describing things and putting great detail into all of the pages in this book. I felt as if I was there visualizing all this book. I had no problem with being able to picture all the events that happened in this book. That's not the only good thing about this book. This book kept my wanting to read more and more. When I turned every page, I read nothing but interesting things. There also was a little bit of a twist at the end of the book and I love books like that. It keeps you intrigued and easily caught my attention. I had quite a few of the moments when I didn't want to set the book down. All I wanted to do was keep reading the book and see what was going to happen next.
When I finished this book, I felt kind of close to Heidi. I felt bad for her loses and I felt as if she was real. I felt like throughout this book, all the events were all happening right in front of me and I couldn't do anything but watch it. Another thing that I enjoyed about this book was that it didn't just tell about what Heidi's goal was, it told about her life. It mentioned her past and what she wants to do in the future. Sarah Weeks did a very nice job on getting deep and describing Heidi and all the things that she has been through in her life. She explained all the experiences that Heidi had been through and all the things that she couldn't do. Such as go to a public school. Heidi was always home schooled by Bernie because Bernie had a phobia where she couldn't leave the safety of her apartment. Sarah Weeks told about everything that Heidi was feeling with great detail. You can really feel her passion that she has for Heidi. She also described the scenes and characters very well. I would recommend this book to anyone. Anyone can read this book and like it. If you ask me, this book was probably one of my favorite books that I have read.

1 comment:

  1. Courtney – Pt 1 – nice, thorough job and describing Heidi. You plug some summary in their to support what you say – nice work.

    Pt 2 – isn’t it interesting too, how Weeks makes you consider the mentally impaired too? How we’d take people like her neighbor and label them as “wacko” or something, when she’s really a kind, helpful person struggling with a severe disorder.
